Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Finally I am done and this will be my last blog. This project, course mainly has been a BLAST!!! I got to do almost anything I wanted to do, I got to make mistakes and learn from then rather then aim for perfection at all cost, that I feel like I have to do with other courses. I’ve produced a book that I really love.

Although the book I still don’t think is done, im happy with what I have done in just 12 weeks. In the final booklet I made, I was rather disappointed with the printing that I got, the colours are all wrong. Everything is lighter then what I had planned for the duotone pages. Due to everything being lighter the text is drowned out and becomes hard to read.

I got a lot of attitude this time while printing at UPS. When I asked then to do double sided printing about a week ago, I received a very good outcome. This time around, there was a shifting of 5mm and I said that they could do better. They told me I’d be charged double and that the shifting was in their tolerated margin. Bloody piss off so I walked out, should have come up with a witty remark muahaha…next time.

Building this book was such a challenge. Many a time did I think I took on too much to handle but I didn’t want to give up. I knew it could be done and I did do it. I guess the only thing that was disappointment was the pixalting with some of the images I have. The book is not as “crisp” looking as id like it with the images. So I plan to go to Dubai and take my damn own images. Mmhmm ROADTRIP, I think so!!! Oh, so I was thinking. Although the images are not so nice when I print them, they are not bad on the screen. About the online book course Reg, it be cool to learn it maybe as a side project. You know how we made two exercise books this term, maybe one exercise and one online book? That would have been cool, cause I’d liked to have seen my book online. Just so I can show it off kinda ahahaha Just showing camera taken photos does not give justice.

I took out a lot of the informative pages in the back, my book didn’t need it. Was me more following rules and not working to better my book, I placed the most important info and since its only on one page I feel it does not cut off the book at all or disturb.

PS, on a side not there are SOOO many annoying birds chattering at 4am in the blooding morning. Holy crap, I just want silence and at 4AM! Anyway…

I wish I kinda took 3D design, so I would be able to have built my box for my book better. One of my weak areas I know is that im not a builder so to speak, I have always great concepts but making them come to a mirror images of what I picture them in my mind is another story.

PSS, on another side not, design in general scares me. It enters my dreams and I have a hard time sleeping. =( sigh

OK, class is in umm several hours from now woot. Really excited to see everyone’s book, YAY

Thanks for a great class Reg (sorry I didn’t make it to your office downtown, I don’t know where the time went) and all my friends. Time to PARTY AND GET PISS DRUNKS…in a well mannered way of course. =P


The mind is a resourceful tool; I used pegs to hold my book together as I placed double sided tape. Tape was used because of the grain in the paper being not the right way. Plus, just worked better. Umm, also couldn’t bring myself away from using rubber cement tehehe.


Paper learns, thus place books on book so book knows lesson

AHHH!!! ok, so finishing off this book was 100% panic. Out of al my classes ive put the most time into this project and always tried to stay ahead but still fell behind in my work. how? i dont know all i can say is blah TIS DONE!!!! This is my nice little desk where i gave birth to my creation...ive lost count on how many demo books ive made =( to many. Lesson learnt, i can bind a book now lol

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Im thinking third from the tip.

Hey Reg, could you tell me what colour you had in mind foe the Duo-tone? they are all 100% yellow with another colour, some are greenish, brownish, blackish or redish as the second colour. Could you just tell me for the top what picture you think is the best Duotone colour for my book Thanks man.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Colour Final Book Demo 2

The first image shows the way Reg suggested to bind the book. This way does work better then the one before although i still cant seem to get the book tight enough so you can’t see between the signatures. =( This is my biggest problem.

So as everyone can see, since last week the book has changed a little. I changed the order of the pop ups so you don’t get bored. It starts out with the desert area for some time then DAM into the city landscapes and pop ups, and finally bringing you back to the desert. I made the book darker, with the images being black & white with night shots now. The order of the colour images are shown, are not in any order so to create tension as you view the book. I added a native Arab poem in my book and placed a single line from it on only the black and white pages. Although I find that the poem is nice it does not translate very well into English. So ill need to work on this. The documentary papers are at the end as suggest. So you can straight away jump into the book. Umm, it smells like rubber cement *laughing out loud* I wanna do more with the typography. Looking forward to the critique tomorrow.

Black and White version of final book Demo 2

This is a black and white version of the new book from last class, i changed alot of things around as i was told to in class. I'm happy with the book, it is getting better and coming along. Looking forward to class tomorrow and to finishing this book so i can sleep. ew, i have massive bags under my eyes =(

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So i just got back from the labs after working all night on my new book. Im 90% done it, all that needs doing is to print it and build it. Blah, so tired but my brain cant turn off =( hope cassie is home, she along with Sam were in the labs working on book as well. Good luck guys.